
Want To Clean Your Drain? Here Are Reasons To Hire A Plumber

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Every commercial or residential building has a drain system that needs to be maintained regularly. Drain cleaning entails removing grease, food remnants, and chemicals that build up and clog the pipes over time. When this is done, the wastewater drains properly hence promoting hygiene and preventing water damage. Most people today are accustomed to DIYing, and some usually opt to handle drain cleaning independently. But, is this advisable? Here are reasons why it is better to allow a drain cleaning professional to do the task instead.…

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Designing Your New Home For Tankless Water Heaters

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If you’re building a new home, you probably want to fill it with the latest and greatest technology. Tankless water heaters aren’t a new concept, but they’ve only risen to prominence in the last several decades. More efficient and reliable technology means that these units are often the heater of choice for many homes, and they can add a touch of luxury to your new house. While many people choose these heaters for their efficiency and convenience, they may require some extra considerations that traditional designs do not.…

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Troubleshooting The Cold Water Sandwich

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One of the joys of a tankless water heater is having hot water on demand. It’s frustrating when the heater doesn’t deliver as promised and the water fluctuates between hot and cold. A common cause of this problem is something referred to as the “cold water sandwich.” What Is a Cold Water Sandwich? The term “cold water sandwich” is used to describe the phenomenon when you turn on your faucet and hot water begins to flow, to only be replaced by a moment of cold water before the water is hot again.…

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Guide To Bathroom Sink Trap Clogs

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Constant backups in a bathroom sink are often the result of a clog in the trap. Beneath the sink is a bend in the drainpipe, which is often referred to as a P-trap or J-trap due to its shape. Basics of Trap Function The bend in the trap is there specifically to hold a bit of water, so it is never meant to be fully empty and dry. The held water serves an important purpose — it creates a seal that prevents sewer gasses from coming up the line and backing up into your home.…

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Hydro Jetting: A Superior Choice For Drain Cleaning

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Are you debating about whether to schedule a traditional drain augering or a hydro jetting service for a backed-up main drain? The following can help you decide. Foul Odors Often Come Up the Drains Drains don’t have to be backing up to be a problem. Scum and food residue lining the sides of a drain pipe can lead to foul odors emanating from the drain, even if it empties easily. Further, this scum and residue can attract other issues, such as feeding drain flies.…

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Does Your Water Heater Need A New Anode Rod?

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Modern water heaters are very reliable and robust, but they are not invulnerable to damage. Constant exposure to heated water can cause damaging rust and corrosion of your heater’s metal components, and without some form of protection, a standard water heater would be crippled by rust in a matter of weeks. Most types of water heaters (excluding tankless heaters) are fitted with simple devices known as anode rods, which protect the heater against rust.…

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Non-Urgent Services You May Want Your Plumber To Perform

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To most homeowners, the plumber is someone you call when you have an urgent need for service. Sometimes this might be a leak that’s gushing water all over the basement. Other times, it might be a broken valve that makes it impossible to turn your water supply off. Plumbers are happy to service these needs; it’s a big part of their job. However, you may want to think about having a plumber come and perform some of these non-urgent services when you have the time.…

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The Importance Of Professional Sewer Line Installation

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Whether you are building a brand-new home or your current sewer line is damaged beyond repair, you are going to need to seek out professional sewer line installation. There might be some tutorials online that you could check out, but there is too much that can go wrong for you to do this on your own without any experience. To help you better understand why professional sewer line installers are needed, you will want to read through the following.…

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Why Do You Need A Plumber To Install A Gas Line?

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If you fancy yourself a chef and have been dreaming about the day when you can enjoy a new gas range in your kitchen, you probably have thought about trying to install a gas line yourself. After all, why not spend a few days connecting hoses and spend the money you save on a better stove? Unfortunately, this is a terrible idea for a number of different reasons, many of which are outlined below.…

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New Homeowner: Troubleshooting Your Water Heater

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If you are a new homeowner, you have a lot to learn about the different appliances in your home. Many people overlook their water heater until they are faced with cold water that won’t turn warm! Learning how to maintain and troubleshoot your water heater is a great way to be an attentive homeowner. Here are three things you should do to maintain and troubleshoot your water heater: Pilot Light…

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