Well Not Working? 3 Things To Consider

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Supplying your home with water from a well is more common than you may realize. In fact, around 13 million households in the US alone rely on well water for their everyday needs. There are a variety of reasons why using well water may be right for your household. It's often used in locations where connecting to municipal water resources would be very difficult or nearly impossible. However, if you rely on well water and it stops working, it can be a major issue. Here are three things to consider when your well stops working.

The Age of Your Well Pump

If your well is well maintained and in overall good shape but suddenly you have low water pressure or even no water at all, it may be related to the well pump. The good news is that residential wells are built to last for decades. However, some components will need replacing every so many years. Submersible well pumps tend to last for around 25 years. If your well pump is in this age range, it may be the culprit. Calling in the professionals to check it out is a must.

The Cost of Repair

If you have no water from well, repair will likely be needed. Typically since the well pump is to blame, you will need to have money set aside for well pump repair. On average, well pump repair costs between $336 and $1,369, depending on the repairs needed. In some cases, it may be time for a new well pump. If your current pump is older, you may want to consider putting aside money for a new pump. On average, replacing a well pump costs between $859 and $2,293, depending on the type of pump required for your well. 

Well Maintenance is Key

Taking care of your well is essential. One way to ensure that it continues to provide water to your household is by scheduling regular well inspections. Well inspections ensure that you have proper water quality, will determine if repairs are needed, and can prolong the lifespan of your well. During an inspection, water samples are collected to be analyzed, the well is tested to ensure that the pump is working, and it's inspected for any potential problems. On average, you can expect to pay between $300 and $330 for a well inspection.

If you rely on a well for your water, having it stop flowing can be a major issue. Typically, the pump it to blame. If your well pump is older than 25 years old, replacement may be needed. If you are having issues with your well, repairs may also be needed, and it's important to call in the professionals. Properly maintaining your system and getting regular inspections is key for good water quality and to keep your system running with no issues. If you're getting no water from your well, contact a professional for help.
